Jurnal Borneo Administrator Call for Papers

Authors are invited to submit electronically (6000-7000 word full paper) through journal website . The paper should follow the format available on the author guideline.

The topic scopes of the papers are including:

  • Public Policy
  • Public Management
  • Public Sector Innovation
  • Decentralization, Regional Autonomy and Governance
  • Local Politics and Democracy
  • Rural/Village Autonomy and Governance

Online submission and online publication in Jurnal Borneo Administration will be charged at no cost.


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    Jurnal Borneo Administrator: Media Pengembangan Paradigma dan Inovasi Sistem Administrasi Negara (known as JBA or Jurnal Borneo Administrator) is a scholarly journal that dedicated to publishing and disseminating the results of research, innovation, and development issues in the field of public administration. JBA is published by Puslatbang KDOD Lembaga Administrasi Negara (formerly known as PKP2A III Lembaga Administrasi Negara), Indonesia. The topics include: (1) Public Policy, (2) Public Management, (3) Public Sector Innovation, (4) Decentralization, Regional Autonomy and Governance, (5) Local Politics and Democracy, and (6) Rural / Village Autonomy and Governance. JBA published three times a year (every April, August, and December). The Journal ISSN Number is 2407-6767 (Online ISSN) and 1858-0300 (Print). Every manuscript submitted to JBA will not have any 'Article Processing Charges'. This includes submitting, peer-reviewing, editing, publishing, maintaining and archiving, and allows immediate access to the full text versions of the articles. All published articles have DOI number & Indexed in DOAJ

    JBA has been accredited by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) managed by The Ministry of Research & Technology/ National Agency for Research and Innovation, Republic Indonesia (KEMENRISTEK/BRIN) with Second Grade (Sinta 2)

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  • Journal Accreditation Status Notification


    Based on the letter of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology No. 1469/E5/DT.05.00/2024. Journals that have passed the desk evaluation and are in the assessment process, the previous Accreditation Ranking is declared to remain valid until the latest accreditation results are announced. Therefore, Jurnal Borneo Administrator remains accredited SINTA 2

    Read more about Journal Accreditation Status Notification